Sarah Heinzen
XR Product Designer
Product Design
Spatial Spaces Picker
Landing page for mobile, web, and XR
Product Design
Spatial Auto-gallery
50 sec to Spatial auto gallery feature for web
Product Design • Prototyping


Hacking neuropathology through mixed reality
Product Design
Neato Hardware


User Experience and Design of the hardware and mobile app integration of a new hardware
Motion Graphics • Product Design
Neato Default Screen
Motion & product design for the default screen of the MyNeato app
XR Prototyping


Proof of concepts for various AR & VR projects
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Hi there, I'm Sarah!

I'm an XR Product Designer and Motion Graphics Artist for Microsoft's Mixed Reality team, working on the intersection of AI and Mixed Reality.

My career began in marketing and animation for films, but I quickly realized that XR Product Design is my niche. My passion lies in developing new and innovative tech founded on artificial intelligence and augmented reality.

In my free time, I love delving into game design and development, and exploring how AI and Mixed Reality can be used in accessible design.

I've helped build the future at companies like...

Figma, Appbot, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, inDesign, Canva
Cinema 4D, Maya, Lottie, Redshift, Renderman, After Effects
Prototyping & Dev
Unity, C#, MRTK, Oculus Toolkit
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