
When this project started, Spatial was still on the cusp of being a productivity app and a VR social application. The idea of introducing NFTs wasn't even thought of yet, but we knew we wanted to highlight our user communities and make them accessible to everyone. I started researching collaboration tools like Figma, Miro, and more, then researched how these could be integrated into a Headset UI.
Plot twist- Spatial pivoted to provide for NFT artists! This required a whole new round of research to understand our new userbase and what they need. We were (and still are) the leading platform for metaverse events and art, and our primary userbase became web instead of Oculus Quest.


Spatial is an ever-changing, fast-paced startup. So, I jumped in! I went through many iterations with stakeholders on what specific details should be highlighted in our Spaces picker. Ultimately, we decided on having real-time image feedback of participants as our spaces thumbnails. The only truly necessary information was the room name, who made it, and current participants.
I felt that our original design for web wasn't fit for the new NFT users we were working with, so I pushed for a revamp. Fortunately, stakeholders agreed, and I started iterating on our new platform, including a deeper dive into our information architecture.

Before the pivot, users had to create an account to experience our small metaverse. Now that we were growing, we readdressed our user flows to allow authless users to view spaces. This would allow for creators to share their work with a larger audience.




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